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The problem Digital agency owners face

New clients are the lifeblood of every agency, but nearly every agency could use more prospects in their pipeline. Why is that? Agencies tend to fall in one of three buckets: 

We don’t like those options either. 


In fact, that's why we started Rainmakr. We work to: 


  • Fill up that pipeline so you can be more selective and command higher prices.

  • Connect you with your ideal prospects so you’re doing things that best fit your agency

  • Help you land consistent new business so you can grow in a steady and predictable way. 

Why? Because this is our favorite thing in the world. We’re the kind of weirdos who actually enjoy getting out there and grinding for new business. It’s what gets us excited in the morning and it’s the kind of thing we stay up late thinking about at night.


No consistent system for winning new business, surviving off referrals. 


Agency owner splits attention between pipeline and services, leading to a feast-or-famine roller coaster.


You have a system, but you could benefit from a team of biz dev assassins on your side who specialize only in this one skill.

As an agency owner, you have a few options: 


Do all the new business hunting yourself, which maybe you like or maybe you don’t. 


Hire an in-house sales team, which can get very expensive and take tons of training since they're usually not experienced with marketing services.


Take what you can get. Without a full pipeline, you sometimes have to lower your standard and take on business you don’t really want. 

Running an agency is hard. 

You have to manage relationships and show clients the results so they keep coming back. You have to make sure the work your agency puts out is A+ work. You have to manage your team. 


Those are all immediate, urgent duties, and finding clients can often take a bit of a backseat.  


To compound things, there is practically zero help on the new business side. There’s TONS of help on the services side: white label companies, in-house and freelance copywriters, accounting software, designers, project management apps, PPC managers. But when it comes to new business, there hasn’t been anyone to turn to for expert help. 


To make matters worse, your typical agency owner started out as an expert at one of the services: paid ads, social media, design. They often do a good job because they know their services inside and out, but it’s not necessarily their strong suit or their favorite thing in the world to grind out opportunities, make presentations, and close deals. 

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